

EGU General Assembly (Vienna, April 2024)
Presentation: Analyzing Groundwater Hazards with Sequential Monte Carlo

GeoEnv (Chania, June 2024)
Presentation: Inferring features of random fields using dimensionality reduction and the correlated pseudo-marginal method


SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (Trieste, February 2024)
Presentation: An energy-based model approach to rare event probability estimation

MASCOT-NUM (Le Croisic, April 2023)
Presentation: An energy-based model approach to the estimation of rare event probabilities ➔ Best oral presentation award

Swiss Geoscience Meeting (Lausanne, November 2022)
Poster: Sequential Monte Carlo for posterior risk assessment

IAMG (Nancy, August 2022)
Presentation: Inference of geostatistical hyperparameters with the correlated pseudo-marginal method

GeoEnv (Parma, June 2022)
Poster: Solving geophysical random effect models with intractable likelihoods: Linearized Gaussian approximations versus the correlated pseudomarginal method

EGU General Assembly (Vienna, May 2022)
Presentation: Inference of (geostatistical) hyperparameters with
the correlated pseudo-marginal method

Summer SchoolFlow and transport in Porous and Fractured media” (Cargèse, July 2021)
Poster: Lithological Tomography with the Correlated Pseudo-Marginal Method

BISP12 (online, May 2021)
Virtual poster and video: Lithological Tomography with the Correlated Pseudo-Marginal Method

AGU (online, December 2020)
Virtual poster: Accounting for petrophysical prediction uncertainty in hydrogeophysical inversion using the Correlated Pseudo-Marginal method